Rf Mems: Theory, Design, And Technology

2013-07-23 来源:微波射频网 我要评论(0) 字号:
主题图书: RF MEMS  射频工艺
定价: ¥ 2241
作者: Gabriel M. Rebeiz
出版: John Wiley & SonsInc
书号: 9780471201694
语言: 简体中文
日期: 2003-02-24
版次: 页数: 512
开本: 16开 查看: 0
Rf Mems: Theory, Design, And Technology


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Ultrasmall Radio Frequency and Micro-waveMicroelectromechanical systems (RF MEMs), such as switches,varactors, and phase shifters, exhibit nearly zero powerconsumption or loss. For this reason, they are being developedintensively by corporations worldwide for use in telecommunicationsequipment. This book acquaints readers with the basics of RF MEMsand describes how to design practical circuits and devices withthem. The author, an acknowledged expert in the field, presents arange of real-world applications and shares many valuable tricks ofthe trade.

