
2013-12-31 来源:微波射频网 字号:

《红外与毫米波学报》是中国光学学会与中科院上海技术物理研究所共同主办的红外与毫米波科技领域唯一的学报类刊物,着重报道我国在这一领域的最新研究成果和技术进展,为我国科技现代化服务。 《红外与毫米波学报》主要刊登红外物理、凝聚态光学性质、低能激发过程(包括低维系统和电子结构计算), 红外光电子学、红外与毫米波技术(包括元器件、系统及应用)等方面有一定创新的论文、具有国际水平或国内先进水平的技术报告和阶段性研究简报、高水平的述评。对于具有重大学术或技术价值的文章,本刊可以最快速度在“研究快报”专栏予以发表。本刊其它栏目有“学术讨论”、“简讯”、“书评”、“国内外会议消息”等,还特设“交叉学科研究”专栏,主要报道智能信息技术与人工神经网络研究和应用、红外、毫米波、激光等电磁辐射与生物体的相互作用研究,生物医学光学等,目的是为了促进多学科交叉渗透形成的新兴学科发展。 《红外与毫米波学报》原名《红外研究》,于1982年创刊。根据学科发展和国际学术交流的需要,从1991年更名为《红外与毫米波学报》,使本刊学科覆盖范围从红外扩展到毫米波波段,填补了我国毫米波领域学术期刊的空白。 《红外与毫米波学报》于1992 年荣获第一届全国优秀科技期刊一等奖、中国科协优秀学术期刊一等奖、中国科学院优秀期刊一等奖,1996年获中国科学院优秀期刊一等奖,1997年获第二届全国优秀科技期刊一等奖。本刊获中国科学技术协会基础性和高科技学术期刊专题经费和中国科学院科学出版基金资助,由科学出版社出版。 《红外与毫米波学报》积极参与国际学术活动,为促进本学科我国与国际学术界交流发挥了较好的作用,受到国内外同行的欢迎和好评。英国《Infrared Physics and Technology》杂志邀请本刊负责人担任该刊编委,国际红外物理会议和国际红外与毫米波会议多次邀请本刊负责人参加组委会或作邀请报告。本刊自1986年起邀请国际知名学者担任顾问。另外,本刊与世界8个国家的20多种学报通过国际交换,建立了学术联系,并于1987年至1996年由美国Allerton公司在纽约出版了全英译本。 《红外与毫米波学报》主要进入以下国内外收录系统:(1)国际6大检索体系(《Ei》(美)、《CA》(美)、《SA》(英)、SciSearch, Research Alert和Current Contents / Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences(美)、《Pж》(前苏联)、《科技文献速报》(日));(2)《中国物理文献库》(英文版);(3)《中国物理文摘》、《中国光学和应用光学文摘》、《中国学术期刊文摘》等。
创办日期:  1982年. 双月刊
主管单位:  中国科学院
主办单位:  中国光学学会
承办单位  中国科学院上海技术物理所
主编:  褚君浩
国内统一刊号:  CN 31-1577/TN
国内邮发代号:  4-335
ISSN:  1001-9014
联系Email:  jimw@mail.sitp.ac.cn
投稿邮箱:  jimw@mail.sitp.ac.cn
通信地址:  上海 玉田路500号,《红外与毫米波学报》
邮政编码:  200083
定价:  10元/期


Microwave Journal


The Microwave Journal provides design, application and new product information about devices,components, subsystems and system technology, creating an editorial balance between theory, practical uses, applications and industry news. As new logies have shaped today's microwave industry, Microwave Journal has shifted its emphasis from the traditional military market to the RF,microwave and mm-wave technologies shaping the emerging wireless and commercial markets.

Full-text articles are available online free-of-charge, though the publisher requires readers to fill out a form indicating name, occuption, address, etc... before viewing the magazine.

Subscription Information:

US: $75 for one year, $125 for two.
 All other countries: $135 for one year, $255 for two.
Publisher/Editor: Harlan G. Howe
Email: mwj@mwjournal.com

IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters


The IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters (MGWL) is a publication of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.'s (IEEE) Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, a professional organization that promotes the development and application of microwave technology. The publication deals with such topics as frequency detectors, antenna array systems, coplanar waveguides, scanning techniques, attenuators, transient compression, nonlinear transmission lines, and slot antennas. The publication's WWW site presents the table of contents of the most recent issue of MGWL, including those of other IEEE transactions, journals and letters. Those interested in joining the IEEE may also send their application via an online membership form. In addition, there are links to the homepages of other IEEE technical societies

IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques


The IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTT) is a publication of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.'s (IEEE) Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, a professional organization that promotes the development and application of microwave technology. Featured papers in the recent issue report on latest experiments concerning the FDTD modeling of a Sigma-60 deep hyperthermia applicator, the generation and transmission of optical microwave in the 12- and 60-GHz region, the design of multihole directional couplers, and the use of FDTD in the analysis of magnetoplasma channel waveguides. The publication's webpage provides a preview of papers published in the most recent issue of MTT, including those of other IEEE transactions, journals and letters. An online application form is also available for those who want to join the IEEE. In addition, the site includes a listing of other IEEE technical societies.
