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主题视频: Rogers  PCB


本段视频中,John Coonrod将解释多层混合PCB电路的定义并讲解为何叠层中每种材料结构会影响整个电路的性能。John也将阐述使用混合材料的原因:1)成本2)提高CTE或可靠性3)PCB加工的便利性4)保证更佳的热性能5)增强的电气性能。使用混合电路材料通常是由于上述列出的5条理由。

In this video segment, John Coonrod will explain the definition of a multilayer hybrid PCB and provide reasons why each material construction can affect the overall circuit properties. John will also explain why hybrids are being used: 1) Cost, 2) CTE improvement or reliability improvement 3) ease of PCB fabrication 4) to give better thermal performance 5) enhanced electrical performance. Sometimes hybrids are used because of a combination of the 5 items listed.
