
2020-05-18 来源:微波射频网 字号:

IEEE天线与传播学会今天宣布,授予 张跃平和刘兑现2020 年克劳斯天线奖(John D. Kraus Antenna Award),以表彰他们对封装天线技术(Antenna-in-Package (AiP) Technology)所做出的开创性贡献,以及封装天线技术对无线通信、雷达、虚拟与增强现实、物联网等应用的革命性影响。

IEEE天线与传播学会同时宣布,颁奖仪式将于2020 年7 月5至7月10 日在加拿大蒙特利尔召开的IEEE天线与传播学会年度大会期间举行。因受疫情影响,今年大会及颁奖仪式将以虚拟方式进行。

张跃平,无线电电子学家,新加坡南洋理工大学教授;刘兑现是美国IBM Thomas J. Watson研究中心研究员与杰出发明家。张跃平与刘兑现也曾于2012年荣获IEEE天线与传播汇刊谢昆诺夫论文奖(IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation Sergi A. Schelkunoff Transactions Prize Paper Award)。这使得他们两人与加州大学洛杉矶分校Yahya Rahmat-Samii教授,成为目前世界上即获得过克劳斯天线奖也获得过谢昆诺夫论文奖的三位人士!Yahya Rahmat-Samii教授是美国工程院院士,去年当选为中国工程院外籍院士。

获奖者的提名人是IEEE天线与传播学会主刊前主编、IEEE Fellow、香港城市大学梁国华讲座教授。

获奖者得到了四位国际著名天线专家的全力推荐。以姓氏英文首字母排序,他们是IEEE天线与传播学会2009年度会长、IEEE Fellow、日本东京工业大学名誉教授安虅 真(Makoto Ando);IEEE天线与传播学会2013年度会长、IEEE Fellow、澳大利亚悉尼科技大学杰出客座教授特雷弗·伯德 (Trever S. Bird); IEEE天线与传播学会前评奖委员会主席、IEEE Fellow 克里斯托斯·克里斯托杜洛教授 (Christos Christodoulou);中国华为公司终端天线首席专家、Huawei Fellow 王汉阳博士。


克劳斯天线奖(John D. Kraus Antenna Award)由John D. Kraus于2004年通过IEEE天线与传播学会设立,旨在表彰在天线技术上作出重要贡献的个人或团队。克劳斯天线奖是天线界最负盛名、最崇高的一个奖项。每一年的克劳斯天线奖会在IEEE天线与传播学会年度颁奖仪式上颁发,从2004 年至2020 年共有25 名科学家获此殊荣。

年份 获奖者 贡献
2004 Victor H. Rumsey For his creative and innovative development of frequency-independent antennas
2005 Walter Rotman For the creation and development of a unique electromagnetic lens that provides multiple beams over a wide angular range
2006 Carl E. Baum
D. V. Giri
Everett G. Farr
For development of novel and innovative ultra-wideband antenna concepts that have enabled a new area of electromagnetics
2007 Benedikt A. Munk For his contribution in designing thin and broadband conformal arrays (10:1) with VSWR < 2 and scan angle ± 60° in both E- and H-plane, without use of lossy materials.
2008 Daniel H. Schaubert For his contributions to the development of the Vivaldi antenna and arrays
2009 Kai Fong Lee For inventing the wideband U-slot patch antenna and for expanding the U-slot technique to small size, dual/triple band and circular polarization applications
2010 Dimitrios E. Anagnostou
Guizhen Zheng
Christos Christodoulou
John Papapolymerou
For contribution in the integration and design of reconfigurable multiband antennas with RF MEMS switches over a wide band frequency range (8–25 GHz)
2011 Daniel Filipovic
Gabriel M. Rebeiz
For the analysis and design of extended dielectric-lens antennas and imaging arrays for millimeter-wave and terahertz applications
2012 Peter S. Hall For contributions to the design and understanding of printed circuit antennas, active integrated antennas, small terminal antennas and wearable antennas
2013 Lotfollah Shafai For contribution to the design and understanding of small high efficiency feeds and terminals, wideband planar antennas, low loss engineered conductors, and virtual array antennas
2014 Stuart A. Long For the introduction and development of the dielectric resonator antenna
2015 George V. Eleftheriades For pioneering contributions to metamaterials and their applications to antennas and sub-diffraction imaging
2016 Yahya Rahmat-Samii For significant contributions in advancing the analysis, design and measurement of modern reflector antennas for ground and space applications
2017 Kwai-Man Luk For contributions to the invention of the L-probe fed patch antenna and the magnetoelectric dipole antenna for wireless communications
2018 W. D. Burnside
Inder J. Gupta
For the design and development of compact test range reflectors with blended rolled edges
2019 Daniel Sievenpiper For the creation and development of artificial impedance surfaces used in antenna design and scattering control
2020 Yueping Zhang
Duixian Liu
For pioneering and significant contributions to the development of antenna-in-package (AiP) technology


约翰·丹尼尔·克劳斯(John Daniel Kraus),1910 年6 月28 日生于密歇根州安阿伯 (Ann Arbor, Michigan),2004 年7 月18 日逝世于俄亥俄州特拉华(Delaware, Ohio),享年94岁。


克劳斯发明了螺旋形天线、角反射器天线、栅格天线和其他几种类型的天线。克劳斯是1985年度IEEE爱迪生奖章(IEEE Edison Medal) 与1990年度IEEE海因里希·赫兹奖章(IEEE Heinrich Hertz Medal)获得者。


主题阅读: 封装天线  张跃平